Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I am not Prince Hamlet; nor was meant to be

I recently realized that I have changed in the past few years.  But first, a bit of prologue:

I spent a good amount of time trying to think of a new title for my blog.  I made Ammon Perkes: Human back when I got home from my mission, and had a very small identity crisis.  Crisis seems like such a strong word, I didn't freak out, I just noticed that most of the ways I had defined myself for the past two years were no longer applicable.  Anyway, that's no longer a problem, but it was tricky to think of a good title.  At first I looked for quotes from some of my favorite high school lit: Hamlet, Waiting for Godot, the Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, etc.  And I realized that these great existential investigations of vacillation and "idle discourse" were not so applicable to me as they once were.  What drew me to these works in high school was my own hesitation and inability to act for fear of failure or embarrassment.   I loved characters who for all their analysis and reason, were prisoners of their own doubts.

I'm still no Fortinbras.  The idea of making a decision that is permanent and will have a huge affect on the rest of my life does give me pause, and "thus the native hue of resolution is sickled ore with the pale cast of thought".  And I'm finding that there are more and more of these far reaching decisions.  "Do I dare?"  and "Do I Dare?"
Dreaming as the summers die

Nevertheless, the fact is, I just don't feel like I can quote the most emo of all of shakespeare's characters to epigraph my blog.  I really love my life, and am far too happy to feel sorry for myself. So, for now, Lewis will do nicely.  

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