Saturday, June 4, 2011

Sherlock Holmes has nothing on me

The mystery of the missing packages has been solved.  Over two weeks ago i ordered two posters and a book and they still hadn't turned up.  Today I decided to get to the bottom of it.  I checked the tracking things, and two of them said they'd already arrived.  I asked my roommate and it turns out the package slips just got lost in the mess of random papers we have on our counter.  Sadly the place is closed, so i'll have to wait till monday.

The book i checked and it turns out that I, always prone to sentimentality, sent it to the house on Howard st.  in Jackson.  So that was silly of me.

Remember being a little kid and always having random cuts and scratches and bruises and scars?  That's sort of how things are going for me these days.  Between landscaping and lots of theoretically non-contact sports, i'm either sore or bruised everywhere.  It's pretty great.

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