I went to sleep last night at three A.M. a cool breeze and the sound of pouring rain coming in through the window. It was lovely. This week was great, despite the persistant raininess. Almost everyday was a nice combination of sports, work, and games.
So I made this on Sunday. How cool is that? |
Friday, after work, I came home and took a nap, because i had been working really hard (I've picked up a second random job doing landscaping) and not sleeping quite enough, and after that Tim and I went to Seven Peaks Water Park. It was probably the most uniquely awesome waterpark experience ever. First of all, it was only 2 dollars because they had a special deal thing. Then, it was rather cold, cloudy, and a bit windy. This was ok though, first of all because i was already sunburnt, but also because it meant in the entire park there were maybe 15 people. There were absolutely zero lines. Tim and I just went down slide after slide, running back up the steps to go again. It was pretty awesome. After that we came home and played cities and knights with Carly and Bryan.
So, i've been working on this post for almost 12 hours, I keep trying to finish and getting interrupted by awesome things, I just got back from playing water polo. Suffice it to say, life is great.
Postscript: I'm considering linking my blog posts to my facebook like some people I know do. I feel sort of weird advertising my blog. On the one hand I'd like to have more people reading it, but I don't really feel clever or insightful enough to justify telling other people they should read it, because mostly it's just me rambling about how cool my life is and what i happen to have done recently.
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