Saturday, March 26, 2011

Hare Krishna

It's been a very BYU weekend. Yesterday I wore a suit since I was doing my orientation at the MTC. Walking around in church clothes for college always makes me feel like I really am at BYU. It snowed, which was unfortunate, since I wasn't really dressed for snow. We always open our chemistry class with a prayer, and the kid that said it was grateful for the "moisture". Just the fact that we were praying in chemistry is pretty different, and i've never heard any one outside of utah give thanks for moisture.

So after that I walked up to the MTC, buying the most worth-while umbrella i've ever had. I've never been so happy to have an umbrella. Orientation was good, I'm pretty excited, i think it's going to be a really good experience and a really good job. After that I walked down in the really very beautiful snow, and went apartment shopping with my roommates. We'll probably move into a different place for fall semester, but we found some cool places, so that should be fun. After that I played games over at Chatsworth until 1:30 and then headed home.

Today we went to the Festival of Colors. It was crazy, I had seen some pictures before, and it is every bit as intense as the pictures make it look. I wish I had taken more pictures, but I was more than a little worried my camera would die from all the color dust. Then we went to wendy's.

Before (with Llamas):


Life really is incredible, I'd recommend it to a friend.

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