Thursday, March 3, 2011

Four Fluid Ounces

Today I had an epiphany. I've been sort of whining about how I have 2 midterms practically every week. But what if, out of my 5 classes, instead of having 2 every week I had 4-5 every every other week? That would be terrible.

Speaking of optimism, I've never liked the half-full/half-empty comparison, because i think it's really a question of directionality. If i'm filling a tank of gas, when I'm half way there, it's half full. When i'm letting the air out of a tire, when it's half done, it's half empty. If you are driving from Provo to Mississippi, and you're cruising through texas, you wouldn't say, "we're halfway to provo!" that'd be silly. If you want to be a pessimist, it's really a question of adverbs. "We're only halfway there" vs "We're already halfway there." Even then your relative optimism depends on how badly you want to get out of texas.

Doesn't it seem like it's about time we think of a more perfect allegory for optimism? Mathematically of course, we should all be optimists, since .5 rounds to 1.

The moral of all this is, of course, that I should be studying chemistry for my midterm tomorrow.


  1. Relevant and hilarious:

  2. love it. I may have had him in mind as i was writing this post, but my feelings for faulty analogies run even deeper than demetri martin.

    You may also have recognized the my blog is sort of named after his stand up.
