It's June! Summer is finally here and flying by, it's been a while, and I've had some exciting times. There's all sorts of stuff on facebook, showing my adventures, but here's what's been going on:
That house rents out their hose for $20. It's a racket,
but absolutely worth it. |
I got called as the ward fhe co-chair, so I get to occasionally organize even more
expensive expansive activities than before. For our opening ward fhe we set up a slip-and-slide at Rock Canyon Park, which, as you can see, has a pretty decent hill. It turns out our tarp wasn't as long as we had hoped. (Happily it's longer than it looks.) The grass at the end really just made it more fun. I'm back in my ward from last summer, so I've also been going on
crazy bike rides with my Bishop, having game nights with the people, and we even took a stab at another pool movie night. It's wasn't perfect, but it went a lot better than last time.
Thanks to Dan for the action shots |
A few weeks ago I went out to california to do a mud race with Amy, it wasn't quite as muddy as I had expected, which was absolutely fine with me. It was extremely fun, and I managed to get 18th or so overall, which is not too shabby, considering I only ran about three times in preparation for this. But it was a blast, definitely not the last time I'm going to do that. California was great, it was cool to see my Wade nephews, who are pretty awesome.
Katie's right, Tanners 'Aye' really grows on you, especially when he's dressed in pirate garb. Now I just need an excuse and an inexpensive way to visit the east coast. I sort of fell in love with california, to be honest. It's really rather beautiful, and
windy winding roads in the dark are exciting. My friend
Dan came out, which made it an adventure. The summer of one thousand adventures is going well.
Muir Woods, basically Middle Earth. |
In addition to vacations and adventures, I organized an intramural team, which was one of the best decisions I've ever made. It turns out captaining a team and getting people together and stuff is actually really rewarding. We didn't quite win, we had some bad luck and two of our best girls were unable to make it to one of our playoff games. But I realized that having organized, official matches in soccer is entirely too much fun to avoid, and I'm pretty sure I'll be doing this for the rest of college and after.
There are some other things going on; work, research, my ongoing attempts to figure out the balance between being impossible to please and settling, but there's really nothing of note in that regard, so once something exciting happens in work, research, or dating, I'll try to get around to writing it down. In the mean time, I'll be living the dream here in Provo. For all my doubts, this place turned out alright.