I love the fall, it's wonderful, but recently Provo decided to skip
fall and go on to winter, and I've found myself very lethargic. Yesterday i just ended up in bed till noon. That probably also had a bit to do with the fact that I was out till 1:30 playing games and then stayed up another little while doing nothing in particular. It's just tough feel motivated to go outside on cold rainy days when I'm going to be biking all over. But life's been fine. I made keylime pie this week, and that was more or less spectacular. I don't know if I like the work to eating ratio on pie though. It takes quite a long time, and I only ended up with a few pieces. But giving people pie gets you crazy brownie points. Ironically, more than making brownies.

I happened to run into my last district from the mtc at conference. And they were all grown up, still waiting on their visas in salt lake city. It was pretty cool to see them as missionaries in the field. In other news, life shuffles on. I discovered that bike polo is one of the funnest and hardest things I've ever tried. I'm finding that bikes are taking up more and more of my life. I just spent around 75 dollars on a bunch of bike stuff that i've needed to buy for a long time, and admittedly some stuff I don't
need per se, like two jerseys, one for warm and one for cold, but most of the other stuff (a small bike pump, a little saddle bag, a front light) are necessary. I'm planning on doing a 100 miler with cami this weekend around utah lake. Basically all that's left for me to buy is clipless pedals, but I'm putting that off for a little bit, I want to buy another little bike first to ride around campus this winter without getting my road bike all torn up and/or stolen.
Other than bike stuff, cooking is becoming a legitimate hobby. I realize that popcorn making doesn't really count as cooking, but I definitely bought a popcorn popper from DI for 3 dollars. Best purchase ever. I actually bought two, but the first one smelled horrible. You should always smell DI purchases before committing to them. I also bought beaters (which made keylime pie possible) and a waffle/pancake iron. DI appliances are wonderful.
P.s. - It's been one year (and two days) since I started this blog. Hooray!